He was gone & he would never be back. That was the reality.
All that was left was a bundle of memories and an image of his face that became more and more vague each day.
Their plan had been simple. To stay together for the rest of their lives. A plan that anyone within their circle would agree was accomplishable.
They were best friends, lovers and soul mates. Destined to be together, everyone thought.
But as it happened, one day destny greedily changed its mind. The end had come all too soon............
Even as he laughed about it She could see the regret in his eyes.
Regret for the things he never made time to do the places he never saw, and sorrow for the loss of future experiences.
Did he regred the life he'd had with her? She never doubted that he loved her, but feared he felt he had wasted precious time.
Growing older became something he wanted desperately to accomplish, rather than merely a dreaded inevitability. How presumptuous they both had been never
to consider growing old as an achievement & a challenge. Aging was something they'd both wanted so much to avoid.
She drifted from room to room while she sobbed her fat, salty tears. Her eyes were red & sore and there seemed to be no end to this night. None of the rooms
in the house provided her with any solace. Just unwelcoming silences as she stared around at the furniture. She longed for the couch to hold out its arms to her,
but even it ignored her.
Well, at least it's darker under here anyway, "she laughed. He alway managed to make her laugh. When she came home tired and angry after work he was always
sympathetic and listened to her complain. They seldom fouht, and when they seldom fought, and when they did it was over stupid things that
made them laugh afterward, like who had left the porch light on all day or who had forgotten to set the alarm at night. He finished his striptease and dived into the bed. 
He snuggled up beside her, tucking his freezing cold feet underneath he legs to warm himself up.
Her wedding day was far from being the best day of her life. She had dreamed of the fairy tale wedding like most little girls, with a princess dress and beautiful, sunny weather
in a romantic location surrounded by all who were near and dear to her. She imagined the reception would be the best night of her life, pictured herself dancing with all of her friends, being admired by everyone and feeling special. The reality was quite different.
She seemed to be living out side of her body, numb to everything but the pan in her heart, in her bones, in her head. She was so tired...
Was it possible that he had kept his word and written a list for her before he died? She had spent evey minute of every day with him up until his death and he had never mentioned it nor had she noticed any signs of him writing one. No. She, pull yourself together and don't be stupid. She so desperately wanted him back that she was imagining all kinds if crazy things. He wouldn't have, would he? 

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